Kim Steppe | CEO & Co-Founder, RISEQUITY & Marilyn Nagel | Chief Advocacy Officer & Co-Founder, RISEQUITY
We were fortunate to hear Greg Creed, Founder of Creed UnCo, at a recent conference. He is a guru on building brands, particularly in the food industry. Still, his wisdom and ten steps for successful companies and leaders were easily translatable to the world most of us work in. We share our summary of his talk because we can all implement many of his strategies and build our leadership and the brands of our departments and/or our companies.
Happiness is an outcome, not a goal! [We love this one]
We are not here to make you happy, but happiness is a potential outcome of our work together and your ultimate success.
Success requires:
Capitol or an investment
Commitment to the business
Culture fuels results – Culture …drives Strategy… drives Structure (not the other way around.
The customer experience won’t exceed the team member experience!! [another great quote to remember, especially when asking employees to deliver work in unrealistic timeframes or consistently work overtime in order to delight customers.]
The characteristics of a great leader include Smart, Heart, and Courage.
Smart = IQ+EQ+CQ (CQ is cultural intelligence)
You have to have a heart for business and people.
You have to have the courage to overcome fear.
An observation is not an insight. Good leaders don’t act on observations! [how many times have we implemented projects or programs because a leader observed something and made a decision based on one observation.]
You can do anything, just not everything. Stay focused until you achieve your top objective – you can call that your “obsession metric.” Then, look at other areas, but not until you achieve success in that key metric.
Most decisions are emotional, not logical. Do your best to make decisions that are both logical and support a positive emotional result.
Your decision-making filter should be: Will this make our brand a “magnet” or “mirror” of other brands? Know what your brand stands for and be consistent. Jump on cultural trends, but do it in a way that is consistent with your brand. [You have a personal brand, and your department has a brand; know what it is and apply this filter.]
Sales may happen overnight, but your brand develops over time.
Brands need to be R.E.D.
Relevant – culturally and socially
What are your thoughts? Please add your comments and ideas!