Moments turned to movements. Ever evolving but never over. #Pride2023 is a way to say, yes, we will continue to do this work for the #LGBTQ+ community and defend the freedoms and advocate for the rights. While there are many ways to celebrate and be involved, here are a few approaches:
Actively seek organizations leading the work and make contributions and investments, like the HRC, National Center for Transgender Equality, and Out & Equal.
Invest in your workplace and establish the policies, processes and protections for the LGBTQ+ communities and individuals in your workplaces, including but not limited to Inclusion Groups with Executive Sponsorship, LGBTQ-supported vendors and partners, training HR and Culture leadership and teams to address specific needs, relocation from anti-LGBTQ and anti-trans states, etc.
Recognize the intersectionality within the LGBTQ+ community and barriers that LGBTQ+ people of color face - and educate yourself for how to elevate and support them.
And finally, be a good human. By advocating and being an ally for the LGBTQ+ community, be sure to use your privilege to change policy and create actionable systemic and positive change, and give others the platforms necessary to raise their voices.